
Yeoman generator for SharePoint

We have written TypeScript templates for SharePoint classic.


Install Yeoman and ulteam-sp generator:

npm install -g yo generator-ulteam-sp


Update generator to latest version:

npm install -g generator-ulteam-sp@latest


The Yeoman generator will walk you through the steps required to create your customization or extension prompting for the required information.

To launch the generator simply type:

yo ulteam-sp


Name Description
Typescript Blank typescript template
React empty app React project with only JS + CSS bundle
React + Redux empty app React empty app template with Redux store
Grid web part on React React project with GridWebPart component for ulteam-grid
Grid web parts on React in one project Optimization project with multiple web parts for ulteam-grid

Add new web part

In existing project type command below for add new web part

yo ulteam-sp --add
