
The React components for building experiences like Microsoft Office 365

React components for simplify developing. Components based on Office UI Fabric React library.


npm install --save ulteam-react

Update to latest

npm install --save ulteam-react@latest


Name Description
AutoComplete Text field with search and autocomplete. Based on Office UI Picker control.
BlogTile Tile with info about News/blog.
BlogTileBoard Blogs board based on BlogTile component.
BurgerMenu The Burger Menu component.
ErrorHandler Error handling component. Wrap your JSX as try catch. Exception view based on MessageBar from office-ui-fabric-react package.
ErrorHandlerLight Error handling component. Wrap your JSX as try catch. You can customize UI by onErrorRender callback function.
FilePicker File picker based on HTML input with type=”file”.
Main features:
- You can pick one or several files.
- You can replace files or accumulate
FormApp Generate your form with controls from office-ui-fabric-react package.
Configure form fields and component aggregates all field values in one plain object.
GroupContent Component for expand and collapse content. Just wrap your JSX elements.
ImageTile Tile with image and data.
MegaMenu Mega Menu component.
NumberField Component is based on TextField from office-ui-fabric-react package.
Properties extends TextField component props.
PaginationDots Pagination dots with or not arrows.
PivotMegaMenu Pivot with Mega Menu on each item.
Slider Horizontal slider with animation.
UlEvent Event with calendar tile.
UlPeoplePicker People picker based on NormalPeoplePicker component from office-ui-fabric-react package.
It’s just more convenient NormalPeoplePicker component.
UlTable Generate your table with controls from office-ui-fabric-react package.
Configure table fields and component aggregates all rows values in one plain object.
Table has edit mode, shimmer mode. You can fix header or/and fix left columns.
