ulteam-react FormApp

FormApp component

Generate your form with controls from office-ui-fabric-react package. Configure form fields and component aggregates all field values in one plain object.


Try component on the demo


import { PrimaryButton } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/components/Button/PrimaryButton/PrimaryButton';
import { IPersonaProps } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/components/Persona/Persona.types';
import { ITag } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/components/pickers/TagPicker/TagPicker.types';
import * as React from 'react';
import { FormApp, FormFields, IErrorField, IFormConfig, IFormField } from '../../../..';
import { INumberFieldProps } from '../../../../form/data/FieldTypes';
import { IFormFieldDisabled, IFormFieldHidden } from '../../../../form/data/Interfaces';
import { ITestFormPageState } from './ITestFormPageState';
import { Toggle } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/components/Toggle/Toggle';
import { Icon } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/components/Icon/Icon';

export interface ISampleFields {
  title?: string;
  numberField?: number;
  doubleNumberField?: number;
  datePickerField?: Date;
  booleanField: boolean;
  name?: string;
  choiceField?: number;
  peoplePickerField?: IPersonaProps[];
  pickerField?: ITag[];
  conditionTextField?: string;

export class TestFormPage extends React.Component<{}, ITestFormPageState> {
  private currentFormFields: any = {};
  constructor(props: {}, state: ITestFormPageState) {

    this.currentFormFields = this.getDefaultFormFields();

    this.state = {
      addCustomLabel: false,
      disablePicker: true,
      formFields: this.getDefaultFormFields()

  public shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: {}, nextState: ITestFormPageState) {
    return nextState.addCustomLabel !== this.state.addCustomLabel ||
      nextState.disablePicker !== this.state.disablePicker ||
      nextState.formFields !== this.state.formFields;

  public render() {
    console.log('state', this.state);

    return (
      <div className="form">
          text="Clear field values"
          <h1>Labels on the top</h1>
          <FormApp key={1}
                  checkRequired={false} />

        <Toggle label="Add custom label html to 'Title' field" onText="On" offText="Off" 
          <h1>Labels on the left</h1>
          <FormApp key={2}
                  checkRequired={false} />

          <h1>Required fieds</h1>
          <FormApp key={3}
                  checkRequired={true} />


  private addLabelHtml = (config: IFormField<any>, fieldValue?: any, formId?: number | undefined): JSX.Element | undefined => {
    return (
      <Icon iconName="Info" title="Custom label html" style={ {fontSize: 16} } />

  private getDefaultFormFields(): ISampleFields {
    return {
      booleanField: false,
      choiceField: 10,
      doubleNumberField: 2,
      datePickerField: new Date(2000, 1, 1),
      conditionTextField: '',
      name: 'test name',
      numberField: 1,
      peoplePickerField: [{
        id: '1',
        text: 'User name 1',
        secondaryText: 'Job title 1'
      pickerField: [{
        key: 'Key 2',
        name: 'Value 2'
      title: 'test title'

  public async getPeopleList(): Promise<IPersonaProps[]> {
    const result: IPersonaProps[] = [];

    await this.delay(1000);

    for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
      const item: IPersonaProps = {
        id: i.toString(),
        text: `User name ${i}`,
        secondaryText: `Job title ${i}`

    return result;

  public onChangeNumberField = (
    config: IFormField<INumberFieldProps>, 
    newValue: any, 
    prevValue: any, 
    prevFormFieldValues: ISampleFields
    ): ISampleFields => {
    let result: ISampleFields = prevFormFieldValues;

    result.numberField = newValue;
    if (!isNaN(newValue)) {
      result.doubleNumberField = newValue * 2;

    return result;

  public disabledPickerField = (
    config: IFormField<any>, 
    newValue: boolean, 
    prevValue: boolean, 
    newFormFieldValues: ISampleFields, 
    disabledMap: IFormFieldDisabled[]): IFormFieldDisabled[] => {

      .filter(x => x.name == 'pickerField')[0]
      .disabled = !newValue;

    return disabledMap;

  public hideConditionTextField = (
    config: IFormField<any>, 
    newValue: boolean, 
    prevValue: boolean, 
    newFormFieldValues: ISampleFields, 
    hiddenMap: IFormFieldHidden[]): IFormFieldHidden[] => {

      .filter(x => x.name == 'conditionTextField')[0]
      .hidden = !newValue;

    return hiddenMap;

  public numberValidation = (config: IFormField<any>, newValue: any): string | undefined => {
    return isNaN(newValue) ? 
      'Value should be a number.' : 

  public numberFieldError = (config: IFormField<any>, newValue: any, newFormFieldValues: any, errorField: IErrorField): IErrorField => {
    if (newFormFieldValues && newFormFieldValues.booleanField === true && newValue === '') {
      errorField.isError = true;
      errorField.message = "Hey!! I'm empty!!"

    return errorField;

  public getFormConfig(addCustomLabel?: boolean): IFormConfig {
    return {
      groups: [{
        expand: true,
        hideHeader: true,
        title: 'Common',
        fields: [
          FormFields.TextField('title', {
            label: 'Title',
            onRenderLabel: addCustomLabel === true ? this.addLabelHtml : undefined,
            labelsOnTheLeftClassName: 'labelsOnTheLeft-class',
            customClass: 'customClass-class'
            required: true,
            description: 'field description',
            errorMessage: 'Required field!!!',
            // value: defaultValues.title
          FormFields.NumberField('numberField', {
            label: 'Source number',
            // hidden: this.currentFormFields.title !== 'test',
            errorOnChange: this.numberFieldError,
            onChange: this.onChangeNumberField,
            validationErrorOnChange: this.numberValidation
            useCommaDelimiter: true,
            autoValidation: true,
            round: 2
          FormFields.NumberField('doubleNumberField', {
            label: 'Double number',
            // disabled: true,
            // validationErrorOnChange: this.numberValidation
            autoValidation: true,
            round: 0
            // value: defaultValues.doubleNumberField
            label: 'People picker'
            itemLimit: 1,
            onResolveSuggestions: this.peoplePickerOnResolve,
            resolveDelay: 300,
            required: true,
            errorMessage: 'Required field!!!',
            suggestionProps: {
              noResultsFoundText: 'No items',
              loadingText: 'Searching...',
              suggestionsHeaderText: 'Searching results'
            label: 'Date picker label'
            description: 'description',
            errorMessage: 'Required field!!!',
            placeholder: 'Placeholder text...',
            required: true,
            officeUIProps: {
              isMonthPickerVisible: false
          FormFields.BooleanField('booleanField', {
            label: 'your confirmation',
            hideOnChange: this.hideConditionTextField,
            disabledOnChange: this.disabledPickerField
            // value: defaultValues.booleanField
          FormFields.TextField('conditionTextField', {
            label: 'Condition Text Field',
            hidden: true          
            // value: defaultValues.conditionTextField
          FormFields.PickerField('pickerField', {
            disabled: this.state.disablePicker,
            label: 'Picker field',
            customClass: 'customClass'
            itemLimit: 1,
            noResultsFoundText: 'No results',
            suggestionsHeaderText: 'Results',
            errorMessage: 'Required field!!!',
            placeholder: 'Type for start search',
            required: true,
            resolveDelay: 300,
            openItemsOnEmptyFocus: true,
            // value: [{
            //   key: 'Key 2',
            //   name: 'Value 2'
            // }],
            options: [
                key: 'Key 1',
                name: 'Value 1'
                key: 'Key 2',
                name: 'Value 2'
                key: 'Key 3',
                name: 'Value 3'
          FormFields.ChoiceField('choiceField', {
            label: 'Choice'
            // value: defaultValues.choiceField,
            required: true,
            errorMessage: 'Required field!!!',
            placeholder: 'Select a value',
            options: [
                key: 1,
                text: 'Text 1'
                key: 10,
                text: 'Text 10'
                key: 3,
                text: 'Text 3'
          FormFields.ChoiceField('multiChoiceField', {
            label: 'Multi Choice'
            placeholder: 'Select a value',
            multiSelect: true,
            options: [
                key: 1,
                selected: true,
                text: 'Text 1'
                key: 10,
                text: 'Text 10'
                key: 3,
                text: 'Text 3'
        title: 'Others',
        fields: [
          FormFields.TextField('name', {
            label: 'Name'
            // value: defaultValues.name,
            multiline: true,
            multilineAutoHeight: true,
            multilineResizable: true,
            multilineRows: 3,
            errorMessage: 'Required field!!!',
            required: true

  private handleAddCustomTable = (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement, MouseEvent>, checked?: boolean | undefined) => {
    this.setState({ addCustomLabel: checked });

  private handleChangeFieldValues = (formFields: any, errorFields: IErrorField[]) => {
    // const fields: ISampleFields = formFields as ISampleFields;
    this.currentFormFields = formFields;


    console.log('errorFields', errorFields);

  private handleClearFieldClick = () => {
    const emptyValues: ISampleFields = {
      booleanField: false
    this.setState({ formFields: emptyValues });

  private peoplePickerOnResolve = (
    filterText: string,
    currentPersonas: IPersonaProps[],
    limitResults?: number
  ): IPersonaProps[] | Promise<IPersonaProps[]> => {
    if (filterText.length > 2) {
      return this.getPeopleList();
    else {
      return [];

  public async delay(ms: number) {
    return new Promise( resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms) );


Property Name Required Type Comments
asTableRow Optional boolean Table row form view
checkRequired   boolean Add error message if required value is empty
config   IFormConfig Form field configuration
currentFieldId Optional string Current editing field. Used for UlTable optimization
customClass Optional string Add custom class to main div
errorType Optional FormFieldErrorType Field error type
fieldNavByArrows Optional boolean Add field navigation by keyboard arrows and enter buttons. Using in UlTable component
fieldValues Optional any Form fields as key value pairs. If value is undefined then form render with values from form field configuration (IFormAppProps.config)
formId Optional number Form id. Its value will be return in handleFieldValues function
handleFieldNav Optional function Fires if in control press arrow or enter buttons
handleFieldOnClick Optional function Fires if user clicked on any field control
handleFieldValues   function Fires if any field value has changed
handleOnSelection Optional function WARNING: It’s prop using in UlTable. Handle on selection row in UlTable
isFixed Optional boolean Indicate than form is fixed column in UlTable
isSelected Optional boolean WARNING: it’s prop using only in UlTable component. Whether form row is selected or not.
isSelectionMode Optional boolean WARNING: it’s prop using only in UlTable component. Set selection mode: single or multiple
isShimmer Optional boolean Show Office UI Shimmer component instead of field
labelsOnTheLeft Optional boolean If true then control label will be moved from the top of the control to the left.
onComponentMount Optional function Get form metadata with error fields after mount Use this if you need to know info about error fields directly after mount component
readView Optional boolean Form on read mode
