ulteam-scripts DateOperations

DateOperations classPermalink

Basic operations with date type objects


Name Returns Static Description
addDays(date: Date, days: number) Date Static Clone Date object and add days to the new instance
date: Date time for cloning
days: Days for adding
addHours(date: Date, h: number) Date Static Clone Date object and add hours to the new instance
date: Date time for cloning
h: Hours for adding
addMonths(date: Date, months: number) Date Static Clone Date object and add months to the new instance
date: Date time for cloning
months: **
cloneDate(date: Date) Date Static Clone date as new instance of the object.
date: Date time
differenceInDays(date: Date, secondDate: Date) number Static Difference between Date objects in days
date: First date
secondDate: Second date
getMonthFirstDateAndLastDate(value: Date) Date[] Static Get Date array contains the first day of month and the last day of month.
value: Date time
getNowMonthFirstDateAndLastDate() Date[] Static Get Date array contains the first day of current month and the last day of current month.
