AzureLogger Class
Namespace: Ulteam.Common.Logger
Work with Azure Application Insights.
Name | Description |
AzureLogger(String instrumentationKey, String projectName, String serviceName, String authenticatedUserId, String commonProperties, String} initContext, Boolean ) | Set configuration. instrumentationKey: Azure Application Insight App instrumentation key. projectName: Your project name. Name should be contain only english letters and ‘dot’ char. For example: ‘SampleProject’. serviceName: Your service name or type. For example: WebJob, HttpService, etc. authenticatedUserId: The authenticated user id. A unique and persistent string that represents each authenticated user in the service. It should not contain commas, semi-colons, equal signs, spaces, or vertical-bars. commonProperties: There are properties associated to all events, like ListItem.Id. This properties will be added to Event Custom Properties. initContext: Run Init() method authomatically. |
Name | Description |
Dispose() | Dispose object. |
Init() | Initialize operation telemetry and create Operation with Id and Name. All events on this session will be searched in App Insights by one Operation Id. |
TrackEvent(String eventName, String properties, String} metrics, String , Double} ) | Add custom event (log line). In Azure Application Insights App search this event by this template: ‘{projectName}.{serviceName}.{eventName}’. eventName: Custom event name. It should contains only english letters without spaces. properties: There are properties associated only to this event. This properties will be added to Event Custom Properties. metrics: Measurements associated with this event. |
TrackException(Exception exception, String properties, String} metrics, String , Double} ) | Send custom event with name like {projectName}.{serviceName}.Exception and send an Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DataContracts.ExceptionTelemetry for display in Diagnostic Search. exception: The exception to log. properties: There are properties associated only to this event. This properties will be added to Event Custom Properties. metrics: Measurements associated with this event. |
ConcatProperties(String properties, String} ) | Concatenate properties with AzureLogger.CommonProperties. properties: Properties for concatenation. |
public void SampleTestWithUsing()
// you can add your custom properties which are showing in App Insights Event Custom Properties
Dictionary<string, string> customProperties = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "itemId", "123" }
using (AzureLogger azureLogger = new AzureLogger(instrumentationKey: "your_key_value",
projectName: "Ulteam.Common",
serviceName: "SampleService",
authenticatedUserId: "user@sample.com",
commonProperties: customProperties))
// you can add custom metrics such as job working time
Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
// --------------------------
// write your awesome code!!!
// --------------------------
Dictionary<string, double> metrics = new Dictionary<string, double>
{ "serviceWorkDuration", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds }
azureLogger.TrackEvent(eventName: "Finish", metrics: metrics);
catch (Exception ex)