
AzureLogger Class

Namespace: Ulteam.Common.Logger


Work with Azure Application Insights.


Name Description
AzureLogger(String instrumentationKey, String projectName, String serviceName, String authenticatedUserId, String commonProperties, String} initContext, Boolean ) Set configuration.
instrumentationKey: Azure Application Insight App instrumentation key.
projectName: Your project name. Name should be contain only english letters and ‘dot’ char. For example: ‘SampleProject’.
serviceName: Your service name or type. For example: WebJob, HttpService, etc.
authenticatedUserId: The authenticated user id. A unique and persistent string that represents each authenticated user in the service. It should not contain commas, semi-colons, equal signs, spaces, or vertical-bars.
commonProperties: There are properties associated to all events, like ListItem.Id. This properties will be added to Event Custom Properties.
initContext: Run Init() method authomatically.


Name Description
Dispose() Dispose object.
Init() Initialize operation telemetry and create Operation with Id and Name. All events on this session will be searched in App Insights by one Operation Id.
TrackEvent(String eventName, String properties, String} metrics, String , Double} ) Add custom event (log line). In Azure Application Insights App search this event by this template: ‘{projectName}.{serviceName}.{eventName}’.
eventName: Custom event name. It should contains only english letters without spaces.
properties: There are properties associated only to this event. This properties will be added to Event Custom Properties.
metrics: Measurements associated with this event.
TrackException(Exception exception, String properties, String} metrics, String , Double} ) Send custom event with name like {projectName}.{serviceName}.Exception and send an Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DataContracts.ExceptionTelemetry for display in Diagnostic Search.
exception: The exception to log.
properties: There are properties associated only to this event. This properties will be added to Event Custom Properties.
metrics: Measurements associated with this event.
ConcatProperties(String properties, String} ) Concatenate properties with AzureLogger.CommonProperties.
properties: Properties for concatenation.


public void SampleTestWithUsing()
    // you can add your custom properties which are showing in App Insights Event Custom Properties
    Dictionary<string, string> customProperties = new Dictionary<string, string>
        { "itemId", "123" }

    using (AzureLogger azureLogger = new AzureLogger(instrumentationKey: "your_key_value",
                                                     projectName: "Ulteam.Common",
                                                     serviceName: "SampleService",
                                                     authenticatedUserId: "user@sample.com",
                                                     commonProperties: customProperties))

            // you can add custom metrics such as job working time
            Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            // --------------------------
            // write your awesome code!!!
            // --------------------------


            Dictionary<string, double> metrics = new Dictionary<string, double>
                { "serviceWorkDuration", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds }
            azureLogger.TrackEvent(eventName: "Finish", metrics: metrics);
        catch (Exception ex)
